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Fri 26 Apr
A Kind of Spark     
What Next? (S02E01)BBC iPlayer 06:00am
A Kind of Spark     
Bonnie (S02E02)BBC iPlayer 8:00pm
A Kind of Spark     
Le Tour de Frank (S02E03)BBC iPlayer 8:00pm
A Kind of Spark     
Shark Day (S02E04)BBC iPlayer 8:00pm
A Kind of Spark     
Choices (S02E05)BBC iPlayer 8:00pm
Sat 27 Apr
Hailey's on It!     
How Kristine Goat Her Groove Back (S01E50)DisneyNOW
Hailey's on It!     
Oceanside's 11 (S01E51)DisneyNOW
Monsters at Work     
Monsters in the Dark (S02E07)Disney Channel 10:00am
Monsters at Work     
Lights! Camera! Chaos! (S02E08)Disney Channel 10:25am
Sun 28 Apr
Prince Hippo (S01E20)FOX 8:30pm
Mon 29 Apr
Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac     
Episode 6 (S03E06)Netflix
Thu 02 May
Critical Role     
TBD (S03E93)Twitch